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How to Avoid Faux Self-Care and Find Self-Care for Yourself

As we become more aware of the impacts anxiety and stress can have on our overall well-being, the call for self-care is louder than ever before. For many people, self-care has become another item on their to-do list and an avenue of self-judgment.  

Holiday Stress

Address Stress at the Holidays

The holiday season often brings us reasons for joy, cause for celebration, and opportunities to build and forge connections. But they can also present us with mile-long to-do lists, high expectations, and stress. With holidays right around the corner, consider this advice to address stress during the busy winter season. 

Parental Mental Health Tips

Across the behavioral health field, we recognize the importance of offering support to caregivers, whether they sought our help on behalf of their children or for themselves. We also know there are many caregivers who don’t walk through our doors who need and deserve help. 

How to Care for YOU this Election Season

Feeling stressed about the upcoming election? You’re not alone! This article shares simple tips on how to stay engaged in politics while also protecting your mental health.

Call our toll-free, 24-hour telephone line for help with your immediate crisis situation.

Southwest Missouri: 1-800-494-7355

Central Missouri: 1-800-395-2132

Northwest Arkansas: 1-888-518-0108